Original Post
How to Make your own room.
Ok i've seen ppl ask why there rooms dont get alot of ppl so heres the answer ITS BORING! lol

Ok First u want to create get a good room name (And pray u get on the top)

Then do /se desc (Room name ) This gives players Why they want to join.
Then Do /se mtd (I think so if u know it plz comment)
Then 2 players are likely to join.
Then you want to have a good mod like aikido or judo wushu, etc , etc but now you want to know which is better.
See Betting servers ussaully are boring to many ppl blah blah
But if u want 10 players atleast Make a fun mod room
Do /se desc ^02FunMods

Then do some fun mods Some mods are usaully blocked

blender.tbm(Bugged kinda)

Those are fun mods
Now for some op commands u need to know

/setowner (Pass to get op if u d/c or something) (Note: only op can do this)
then /owner (Pass u setted)

/kick (Name of person)
/ban (Name of person)
/unban (Name of person)
/Mute (Name of person)
/Unmute (You know what goes here lol)

So next time you make a room i will not see bs ass things on it lol

EDIT: The "Replay" thing ignore it.
I can hardly understand what you are trying to accomplish.
500 blade eating jutsu
'the eater of bladezzz'
I can see the purpose of the thread, but there's been hundreds the same already.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you