Alright you get the Beginner Pack and 1k
No more doubting guys Now you can get an item regardless if it seems suspicious in a way. I'm leaving it to you not to rob the Beginners of Items.
Alright you get the Beginner Pack and 1k And DeadCanDance sorry if I was being paranoid, I'm sending the TC now Sorry again, I hope you forgive me and we can be friends.
No more doubting guys Now you can get an item regardless if it seems suspicious in a way. I'm leaving it to you not to rob the Beginners of Items. Tree and Eki you get your Chronos Grips too
Thanks,means a lot. And what did you mean by "get an item regardless of how suspicious it seems"? Does that mean we can pick any item we want to get ignoring the "(S)" on em? Or idk.
Thanks,means a lot. And what did you mean by "get an item regardless of how suspicious it seems"? Does that mean we can pick any item we want to get ignoring the "(S)" on em? Or idk.