So, I would like to discuss an art board rule I feel should be changed or at least revised to some degree.
"Posts along the lines of "Nice head!" and "Thank you"s following them are useless posts. Explain your opinion on things and how things can be fixed, or why(s) to your compliments."
Why have this rule? If I can't publicly admire somebody's artwork and not get infracted why is there an "Art" board and not have it be called "Constructive Criticism"?
If you go to a museum and look at a piece and say "wow, that's stunning! I really admire how the artist used the blues and greens to show emphasis on the facial expressions, and the use of lighting gives an amazing dramatic feel to the painting as a whole".
^What normal person is going to get up and say that??
People more likely to say simply "Wow thats really cool" but they get infected if they say this one, and potentially even the previous as well considering it doesn't give any pointers.
Its called the "Art" board so people should be able to say what they feel about somebody's artwork/video and not be blatantly censored.
Infracting people for expressing how they feel about something on the artboard is just pure irony it's almost comical really.
While I see that cluttering up the board with "Nice head" would be annoying that's just the side effect of people actually liking something... so why is it inherently a bad thing?
Instead of the rule "Posts along the lines of "Nice head!" and "Thank you"s following them are useless posts. Explain your opinion on things and how things can be fixed, or why(s) to your compliments." say
"Explain your opinion on things and how things can be fixed, posts that don't reflect/incorporate the Elements and Principles of art will be deemed a useless post"Elements of art
Principles of art
^Before I feel it would be a gamble to even post the "Post2"version.An example of a good post adhering to the rule adaptation(Head example by VitieK)
I believe with this adaptation to the rule It will easily allow you to say you like the post. With this people deleting and infracting posts will have a list of things to deem the post adequate or not instead of "or why(s) to your compliments".
Personally I feel the rule should be gotten rid of all together but the adaptation to the rule I proposed I feel would greatly improve it while still maintaining some order to the art board.
Thank you for reading.
- This board is for CnC, not exposure. If your objective isn't improvement, take your videos to Entertainment & Media.
The Art Board's constructive criticism rule is being pulled out for discussion
Nomad Moderated Message: |
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive. |
Wow! Nice head texture. I really like how the green lines bring out the red in the nose region