Original Post
Tournament Reward not rewarded...
I won two tournaments last night and I only got toricredits for one of them. There were at least 5 people in the tournament and when I won it said something about me being the "Knockout champion". Can somebody look at some sort of record and let me know what happened?
Sometime there weren't enough matches played to give out prizes.

So if some one had rage quit or left during the tourney the prizes wouldn't have been sent out.

You can thanks the little kids who decided to farm those tourneys when they were empty.
If there are 5 people in a tourney, there is always enough games to be played(ex-cluding one person leaves RIGHT after the tourney starts.).

So tell a GM or Moderator about this and you'll receive you're TC.

firebolty Moderated Message:
Please don't confuse the OP with posts such as these. They are misleading.
Last edited by firebolty; Oct 15, 2011 at 01:02 AM.
Originally Posted by Gradeger View Post
If there are 5 people in a tourney, there is always enough games to be played(ex-cluding one person leaves RIGHT after the tourney starts.).

So tell a GM or Moderator about this and you'll receive you're TC.

No, he will not receive his TC just by asking for it.
He's going to need solid-proof, such as screenshots to be insured with a "proper" reward.
No screenshots, no case.