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Any plans for a Linux client?
Thanks for providing a Linux server, but it is of little use to us Linux users who actually want to play the game! Thanks.
Re: Any plans for a Linux client?
seconded, but for os x. I played a little bit in my virtual pc tonight and it seems super cool. Keep up the good work and I hope you get a chance to make a port.


Re: Any plans for a Linux client?
A linux client would be cool.

I tried to get the game working on wine but without success. Has someone got it working on linux or has some ideas on how to get it working. I would really like to play this game. But maybe I just have to hope that there is a linux port someday.
Re: Any plans for a Linux client?
With the game using SDL, it should (theoretically) be easy to port. I would like a linux version myself as I use Windows XP and linux about equally. It is all down to how much time Hampa has though. We will just have to wait until he finds the time ;).
I has a flavour
Re: Any plans for a Linux client?
Nice! thanks for the quick reply hampa, I will be sure to test the heck out of it!
Re: Any plans for a Linux client?
This is really a great game, thanks.
I sincerely hope you will take the time to make a linux client, as I have only been able to test Toribash at my job during my pause.
Congratulations on your work anyway.
Re: Any plans for a Linux client?
Hi There!

Toribash perfectly runs on linux with Cedega!
I have Cedega Version 5.0.1 and 5.0.2 engine.
Everything seems to be working well.
But a native client would be great!

Best regards, SR
Re: Any plans for a Linux client?
Thanks sinred, I have added this to the F.A.Q
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
I can confirm that it works well with Cedega. But the next obvious question is, I guess, are there any plans to release the source? You could probably get people to volunteer to do a Linux port for you. (As has been previously mentioned, if it's in SDL and it's already portable enough to run on both Windows and OS X, a Linux port should be very straightforward.)