campa i had that same problem i was just going to ask ok thanks again but how u make the lines through the middle in the first layer and after i make the paths for the hair and make a new layer the paths arent there but theres these lines that keep moving around the edges of were i did my paths and i dont know how to take them out and i cant draw anything unless its inside the paths/hair part plz help( i told u i fail )
Last edited by OpTiC; Mar 27, 2010 at 03:17 PM.
you really confused me.One thing at one line please..
Read through the tutorial,and you're meant to try the first tutorial o mine before this.this is the advanced version.
Tint is sex.
o well i guess im stupid i wiill one sec ill ask u if i have any questions

EDIT: It was like the same thing pretty much i though but i didnt answer my question and that was how do u make the lines through the middle that u had already wen u started on the first slide or whatever u wanna call it but it is on every " slide"
Last edited by OpTiC; Mar 27, 2010 at 03:35 PM.
it's layers.Just click where all the numbers and markings are on the left and the top and drag and it will make a line.
Tint is sex.
ok thanks it worked now my second question was than when i made my paths and filled it there was this dots thant go around the hair and thats all i can draw and when u try and make spinning globe or something it will stay the same too mke the hair,then you select around the box where you want the hair with path tool,then you press enterand it should have a selection around your hair,then you go on fill tool and the circles won't be there..
Tint is sex.
*phew* finally, I've finished my second head.
Do you know how to make an eye or visor, umm glowing?
not dead