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Noob's guides to clans, admins and more
It appears no one likes the guide so i hid it.

Welcome to toribash n

Excuse me for calling you noob but this book is all about how you can become not a noob.
Do not think that just because you read this your are leet. Its not that simple when you are leet you can own you don't spam and you don't piss people off

1. Clans
2. Noob sign's
3. Words
4. Mods and admin's

Chapter one

The first chapter is about why people might see you as a noob.
Only noob's have tags that are offensive long or specific
If your tag says [supanoobswhoown] You are without a noob
If its something like [Giveus2v.2] you are a noob.
Here is a clan-O-meter
1-No hope 10-Awesome

Tags that use a word. For example I don't like the tag [RAWR] because its a word that is commonly used RAWR is a cool clan i am just saying their tag is some what annoying. Anything with a swear in it. If your thread has no story, is a begging thread or is totally unrelated to almost anything
Rank: You suck


Your not much better but you might have hope.

If you just make your clan ingame.
If you accept all members.
Noob1: Dood we shud maek a klan
Noob2: Yeah
And thats it....

Rank: Almost hopeless

3. Suckish
Your still low on the scale but your getting there...

If you are a dead clan and a random person remakes it
[I don't mean like if the co-leader does it i mean if its like someone who was never in the clan]
If your tag has many letters that are capitol like [ThEnOoB]
If you have just joined and you make a clan.

Rank: Spammer

4.Not horrible
You don't know about the tori clan system
You have no tc's
You lie lots.

Almost not suckish

5. So-So

You have a chance and you are not epic fail.
Things you can improve on:
# of members
amount of skill

6. better than your adverage noob!
You are well on your way:
# of members
History of members

7: Own.
Looking fine there!
You could use some belt rules
(must be black belt, no buying qi etc...)

8. PWN
Your a great clan
If you payed to be official SHAME but your still okay

Your not a really old clan but your still amazing

10. Epic PWNAGE
You are torigod, mad, guru, evolution, bncy

Chapter 2: Noob signs

Why you are a noob/people call you a noob.

If you grab in wushu
If you farm
If you clan fake
If you use racial slurrs or are a jerk
If you are a multiclanner
If you are in a noob clan
If you don't like me (lol)
If you cant use the search button

Chapter 3 Words
I know it sounds like crap but words can hurt alot. If when you lose you are swearing like noob_reaper you could be offending people. Not only that but I WILL KICK YOUR ASS.
Being mean is not cool and its also not looked highly upon in this commiuinty.
You cant be such a jerk when you lose or when someone corrects you...
People just wanna help nothing more so dont be such a jerk.


Oh lawd. I have seen this a million times

I go to support the first thread is "VEB SUX" or something like that
First admins ARE YOUR GODS. They are powerful and all mighty they are responsible for your clan/items/fourm/TORIBASH. Mods are sweeeeet they are powerful and cool. Don't mess with them they are win and you are not. Boaf is just awesome Hampa rox Veb rox Foxie is awesome and so is almost every person who is an old schooler

(Updates coming soon)
Last edited by spritecat; Apr 19, 2008 at 04:08 PM.
Its an lol.
If your tag says [supanoobswhoown] You are without a noob

Do you mean "without a doubt a noob"?

Anyway, this is a sort of opinionated guide.
I mean, RAWR is a great clan, and so are all the rest of the clans that use one word *cough*NEWB*cough*

Good work, anyway.
Your not a really old clan but your still amazing

10. Epic PWNAGE
You are torigod, mad, guru, evolution, bncy

That makes SMASH be 9.6, we are pretty old, but not like super pwn.

RAWR's name is good because it fits the mentality of our players. We play to have fun, so we have a silly name. In anycase, clan names don't mean anything. Rep is all it's about
so you mean since I'm, in clan [NEWB] I'm a noob? IMMA FIRIN MAI LAZER!!!!11!!11one111!!
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
Originally Posted by Littodude View Post
Do you mean "without a doubt a noob"?

Anyway, this is a sort of opinionated guide.
I mean, RAWR is a great clan, and so are all the rest of the clans that use one word *cough*NEWB*cough*

Good work, anyway.

NEWB is actually an acronym - Newly Enlisted Warriors Brigade

Nice "guide"... Should be stickied in Clan Discussion, lol
<3 Toribash!