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Toribash ranking ladder
I see peoples rank when I play against them and watch their statistics, but is there any way to list all members from 1-Whatever lowest rank is in a kind of ladder system? If this already exists, where?
I suppose it wouldn't be too hard to program? Ahh, what do I know. Anyway- getting a ladder like that(back). Would be awesome.
I disagree on the return of that because their will only be Masterbelts/custombelts and soon to be god belts highest rank cause they messed up the ranking system so now every one else no matter how good they are have higher ranks then the higher belts with low W/L ratios.
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
So, if I get you right, an orange belt with 100% win rate should be tanker above me and my 49%, or say Hectors 80%?
Even if win ratios did actually matter, they'd still be ridiculously inaccurate.

The current system means that your rank is basically based on the amount of Qi you have - that is, the player with the highest belt has the best rank. This is also ridiculously inaccurate.

The old system was perfect; the only respect in which it was flawed was that it was decided that ranks should update once a day and so they jumped about all over the place on a daily basis. Way back when, ranks were updated once a week, and so the visible effects of the ranking system appeared that much more accurate.

The old system that I speak of was based on the Elo system.

As for ladder pages, I personally saw no reason as to why the original rankings page was removed/stopped being updated. And by "rankings page" I don't mean the belt dump - I mean this. Anyway, here's hoping it'll make an eventual return...
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
We also had a toribash fighting league. A ladder based system where a low ranked player could challenge a player ranked higher than themselves, thus climbing the ladder fight by fight, player by player, until you ultimately became the best!

What a failure that was.
The fighting league failed because, though it said you automatically lost if you didn't record a result in a week, it actually did nothing.
So you'd get large stretches of players you couldn't challenge (being already in a challenge) for ranksteps bigger than your can select.
As for the old system, wtf are you smoking?
No it wasn't perfect.
It was terrible.
Elo is designed for chess.
In chess, how many matches a day do you play?
3? Maybe?
Against people varying maybe 50 points from you?
As opposed to toribash, with people playing several hundred matches in a day against people 20000 ranks different.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.