Original Post
+something really weird happen with my YOUSHOP
I was selling a left bicep texture then when I was checking my YOUSHOP
I press F5 to refresh the pag then my left bicep dissapear from the shop then
i just note I have 1 pm wich say I have just purchased Left Bicep Texture from a YOUshop for 10,000 TC. then I check my Tcs and 10.000 has just gone! in other words I just bought my own left bicep texture for accident and I lost 10k :S but I still got my bicep
so what should i do?

(I already figure out what happen, was just a stupid mistake from me, anyway thanks for the help)
Last edited by trimx; Nov 8, 2009 at 05:40 PM. Reason: my mistake
I have no idea, its the firts time I read that name

Anyway if that player buy it, why I still got the left bicep texture ? and even worse why I lost 10k??
Last edited by trimx; Nov 8, 2009 at 04:38 PM.
forgive me mods but y r people copying my avvys?

i agree, pm a admin and pm missuse.
Last edited by firebolty; Nov 8, 2009 at 04:32 PM. Reason: to save my self from infraction...
Originally Posted by trimx View Post
Anyway if that player buy it, why I still got the left bicep texture ? and even worse why I lost 10k??

He(missuse) didn't buy it from you. You bought from him.

Fura: What can I say? The pure definition of cool <3 ~BirdFlu

<RedDevil> Is it strange that Fura is the only regular Wibbler I like
Ohey look over there, a dancing dinosaur. :D
hanz0: The betting bot isn't programmed to scam anyone.

Fee: Fura you are fucking awesome.
Imposible, I was in my youshop checking my stuff I press F5 to refresh and the bicep dissapear then I check my tcs and 10k has just gone then I receive a mesage wich is says I bought the bicep and my bicep go back to my inventory.
Same exact thing happened to me. I even bought my item from missuse as well. It was a right leg texture trail, and it went into my inventory and sent 20k into oblivion. My account history shows that I bought it from him for 17000, then it shows I apparently bought it again for 20K. Any ideas? Should I have missuse send me back 20k? I really dislike not having any money.
Last edited by Cretor; Nov 11, 2009 at 07:17 AM.
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