Original Post
[TUT]How to buy TC booster with mobile
Dont have PayPal?

Want to buy TC Booster?

Then, this tutorial is for you!

Firstly, go to ToriShop.

Then, in left side of your profile is ''Toribash''.

Two down of it is Paypal Boosters / Mobile.

Then, click '' Pay by mobile ''.

Login to your OneBip account, if you dont have one, make one!

Follow instructions of registration, and then buy it.


Apathetic User
Ok, what mobile are you using? Did you click '' pay by mobile ''?

Apathetic User
Im trying to make an account. And the mobile operator list isnt giving me any choices.
This tutorial is useful but onebip is not allowing me to purchase a booster with my mobile. I try atleast 3 times a day with the same result.... error: "please close this dialog and start the payment proccess again"... this happens while trying to add money to my balance every time.

any suggestions?
fl0w. Logo Designer, PM me.
too bad i can t get tc booster i can t im in tunisia
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