yea well im sure they will know more than most people.... seeing as last year 5 people got 100% in their art and 3 of those were in the top 10% in britain.... she taught all of them....
Live in the Moment
Teachers teach technique, not creativity. Creativity cannot be taught, only the ability to express the creativity.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
its aight but looks like u just used the Smudge tool and Filters
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
Eh. Art teachers don't always know what they're talking about. For my high school art show, my teacher hated my works, but some dude bought one for $80. \o/

Art teachers know nothing. It's not a class you can grade, because the grade depends on your teacher's taste, not yours.

I say the amount of work you put into a work should be a major determinator for how good an art piece is. This obviously didn't take much, being a bunch of filters and it's not even your photo. Just selecting pixel-jumbling scripts from a menu in a particular sequence, in other words.
look i know it didnt take long..... i was just testing stuff out and its what my teacher wanted..... if i had created all those effects by hand you wouldnt have a problem but that is why filters are there.... and anyway it wont make much of a difference but i hardley used any filters.... but i did use colourising ect....

teachers will know a bit more about art than most people seeing as they had to go through testing and training to get thier job...... so it wont be entirly taste.....and if thats your idea then this is just your taste......

like i have said before..... i dont like this type of art, but thats what we are doing in lessons now......

btw a proffesional artist came into our school the other day to give us some tips on graffic designing and he used filters aswel! he also did other stuff too but thats because hes a profesional and gets paid for his work..... he even said that filters were designed to be used!

if the amount of work should be the determinator on how good an art peice is then professionals who find it easy will in your opinion have not very good peices of work because it doesnt take as much effort compared to someone not so good that has to put in alot of effort to get a peice that still might not be as good as the pro.
Live in the Moment
The problem i have with it is that it doesn't look like futurism. Out of curiosity i checked out some images from famous futurists and this image is nothing like it.

The painting uses many different shapes (it's a version of cubism) to almost convey the sense of motion blur or repeated movement. Maybe if you went over the footballer using triangles, especially around the feet it would give the image the motion eggect it deserves.
Oh woa, its a guy sharpening a knife. Super hard to tell at first.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well