Original Post
[TECHNICAL PROBLEM]Strange black n' white strips graphic artifact when using shaders.
Strange bug appears to me in Toribash since some version (later than 3.0) in linux version. It appears when any shaders are on (like just shaders 1), not depending on advanced shaders settings. It is only graphical artifact for me now. Blood is perfect, other efects are perfect, only thing which is affected is the sky. It is completely covered by black stripes which all go in one way (like from notrth to south) which makes illusion of them being bent. Pictures are attached.
Other stuff (including shaders) works flawlessly.

I am running Linux binary downloaded in form of tar.gz archive.

Specifications which could affect it:
Gtaphic card:
GeForce 9800GTX+ now, but I had same results before with 8600GTS, and even before (sometimes in 3.2~ era) it worked perfect with it.
Can't be the problem.

Graphic drivers:
Classic Nvidia driver. Almost latest version now (got it in late summer). Older driver did the same.
Can't be the problem.

Can somebody help?

Please, if you don't have serious info or knowlage don't post. I am waiting for answer of developers, or from somebody who experinced this problem.
Attached Images
toribashbug1.jpg (96.7 KB, 48 views)
toribashbug2.jpg (76.3 KB, 32 views)
Sorry for my english dude, i suck even at my national language.
Tis the driver, but it's nothing to worry about. Nvidia are slightly behind with the *nix drivers atm. Only newer cards are affected, the 7 series and below have 'perfected' drivers, but the 8 & 9 series are still getting a few glitches ironed out.

Try changing the shader you've got loaded to one with a coloured sky, that might help cure it.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
If you have problems with reading, I will write it again with capslock and bold text.
Problem can't be in this.
Sorry for my english dude, i suck even at my national language.
Technically it can. A slight change in the code that handles shaders etc could change a driver requirement.

I've been using the *nix version since 3.0 myself, and during that time I have had to update the Nvidia driver due to a graphical glitch.
And as I said, Nvidia themselves have stated that the drivers for the newer cards are far from perfect in *nix.

Post what distro (and version) your using as well as your Nvidia driver version - that'll give the game's devs something to work from.

Sorry for offering to help.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Millin He was only trying to help dont have a go at him and dont think you will get much help speaking like that
I am sorry, but if game works with drivers, and then ceases to work, it looks more like problem with game and not with drivers.

Nvidia-settongs sez:
NVIDIA Driver Version:177.67

Distro is custom. It will not tell you anything.
Sorry for my english dude, i suck even at my national language.
K ,last thing for you to post - your stderr file.
(it'll be in the .toribash folder in home)

I get the feeling it's gonna be one of those annoying issues like the old *nix blood glitch.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by skulfuk View Post
K ,last thing for you to post - your stderr file.
(it'll be in the .toribash folder in home)

I get the feeling it's gonna be one of those annoying issues like the old *nix blood glitch.

No files in .toribash folder in home. could this be the problem?
Sorry for my english dude, i suck even at my national language.