Original Post
How to give Constructive Criticism on replays.

All of us probably like when someone comments on our replays with useful tips and constructive criticism on how could we improve.

So we should learn how to give constructive criticism to others.
It's pretty easy just try to follow the things mentioned below.

Here is a good example of a great comment:

<First Replay Name>: Loved the manipulation part...Was willing to see a boomkick or something..Skeet shot was kinda unexpected but looked really good.

<Second Replay Name>: That was almost perfect. I loved almost everything. Last boomhit really impessed me and the standing pose was just lovely.
The whole replay was kinda stiff but i noticed that after few minutes of staring at that replay and looking at those booms.

<Third Replay Name>:Nice replay. It was stylish and looked pretty good. But...It was kinda grabby and slow imo.

<Fourth Replay Name>:Nice lift. Great idea. Loved the spin kick etc.
The replay lacks of destruction imo. Just tried to edit that replay and it was really easy to dm another pec.
And again...Standing pose was just wonderful. Nice balance.

Overall you have some great replays over there. But still, some of them could be improved.

Keep 'em coming.
You don't need to write whole essay on one replay.2-4 lines is totally enough.
Just try to be specific when commenting.

1. Things like "" is just ridicilous. I recommend not to use them.
That's a great replay. Decap is awesome! 9/10
Wow great job on that replay.
Comments like that aren't really bad, but they doesn't help to improve.
It's just your opinion.
3.Never flame on replay(s) author if you didn't like his replay.
Think how would you feel if you would be in his place.

  • Mention at least a few things you liked in the replay(s). Negative responses is not the best way to inspire the author to create more replays in the future.
  • You can always edit and fix some of the things you didn't like in the replay(s) and post it in author's thread so he can see what he did wrong and how could he improve.
  • Don't be rude if replay(s) author disagree with your opinion and starts to flame on you. Say that you just wanted to help or don't post there at all.


    I hope that this helped to you.
    If you have any ideas how could i improve this tutorial please pm me.
    Thanks for reading.

    I was thinking about posting this in the replays board. If someone feels that it belongs there let me know or just move it.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

Good job, bro.
It can be useful
|Windows Belt 10| |Damned Leader| |Ex-GameKeeper-2010| |RUTori| |Á¸² ÅùÁ|
|Ex-ClanSquad-2018| |20% Cooler than you| |1st nick - Major|

It's a very useful thread, great tutorial.
Last edited by P1R1K170; Jun 10, 2010 at 01:31 PM. Reason: nonsense
It is also a thing named posting constructive criticism to tutorials.

Examples like
" Good job, bro.
It can be useful"
"It's a very useful thread, great tutorial."
is not one of those.

Posting constructive criticism and avoid useless spam should be common sense really
What is the enjoyment in spamming "NICE +REP" on an internet forum that is meant for socialization. Excuse for many of those are "I WAS JUST TRYING TO GET MY POST COUNT UP MAN" Which I find rather pathetic.

Do you really think people find enjoyment in reading the spam you are producing?

Do you think they get more knowledge out of it?

Do you think posting "NICE TUTORIAL" will better the tutorial and contribute to the thread?
Last edited by Ezeth; Jun 10, 2010 at 01:48 PM.
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
It is also a thing named posting constructive criticism to tutorials.

Examples like
" Good job, bro.
It can be useful"
"It's a very useful thread, great tutorial."
is not one of those.

Posting constructive criticism and avoid useless spam should be common sense really
What is the enjoyment in spamming "NICE +REP" on an internet forum that is meant for socialization. Excuse for many of those are "I WAS JUST TRYING TO GET MY POST COUNT UP MAN" Which I find rather pathetic.

Do you really think people find enjoyment in reading the spam you are producing?

Do you think they get more knowledge out of it?

Do you think posting "NICE TUTORIAL" will better the tutorial and contribute to the thread?

Thanks for that Ezeth.
Anyways I don't really mind about that since it's my first tutorial and any positive comments are good to me.
Ofc constructive comments are appreciated.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

Finally a tutorial about this. Many people seems to need a tutorial about it. However, I don't think these people will bother to read it.

+rep anyways.
too true dodekus......

i hate it when ppl just say your replay sucked. or awesome.... i wanna know how to make it better, but get nothing. =/

hopefully somebody will read this tut.
Originally Posted by Kristis133
Negative responses is not the best way to inspire the author to create more replays in the future.

It's sometimes good to be harsh. It lets the replay maker know that, no, he isn't the best in the world, and yes, he can make improvements. I would absolutely hate it if I didnt receive a single comment asking me to do better, go faster, or get one more dm. Those comments really do drive me to do better, go faster, and GET that last dm. If anything, constructive criticism needs as many negative thoughts as it does positive.

There is truth in your words.
It's sometimes good to be harsh...But, not too harsh.
If you'll say that he and his replays sucks im 99% sure that he won't try to do better.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

Very nice tutorial.
Some people should follow this tips.
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