2 ways on beating a shovler in aikido.
Just download the 2 replays and then save the moves with movesaver by using the replay edit.
(best if you get
move saver and then go to aikido singleplayer and just hit E on the first 10 frames of 1 of the replays then go back and hit e around the first 30 frames and then do the same on the other replay and then save em as aikidocounter1 and aikidocounter2.)
here are the replays
also here are the moves if you can't get right on replay.
ukecounter1 moves:
Step 1:
left n right wrist
right knee left ankle
left elbow, left hip, left knee, right pec
Raise left shoulder and grab right hand
Extend left pecs, abs, right ankle, right elbow, and both glute
left bend lumbar
left rotate chest
extend left knee, right ankel, left n right pec, left n right eblow and right hip
left roatate chest contract both gults and abs
right bend lumbar lower right shoulder raise left shoulder and hold rest
Then do w/e to next move to finish em off
all same on step one
just on step 2 instead of holding wrist, contract right wrist, right elbow, and right pec
and lower shoulders