Weekend Bash

-Added information pertaining to all of the item.dat lines!
-Checked color list.. everything appears to be there. Again, tell me if there's one missing.
-Minor edits

To do:

-Find out about the texjoint line. PM me if you have info or want to help.
Originally Posted by LWafflez View Post
*Gradcol1: This is your tori's primary gradient.
GRADCOL1 0;0 [Unknown] 1 [Unknown] 2 [Unknown] 3 [Unknown] 4 [Unknown] 5 [Unknown] 6 [Right Bicep] 7 [Left Tricep] 8 [Left Pec] 9 [Left Bicep] 10 [Left Tricep] 11 [Right Hand] 12 [Left Hand] 13 [Unknown] 14 [Unknown] 15 [Right Thigh] 16 [Left Thigh] 17 [Left Shin] 18 [Right Shin] 19 [Right Foot] 20 [Left Foot]
*Gradcol2: This is your tori's secondary gradient.
GRADCOL2 0;0 [Unknown] 1 [Unknown] 2 [Unknown] 3 [Unknown] 4 [Unknown] 5 [Unknown] 6 [Right Bicep] 7 [Left Tricep] 8 [Left Pec] 9 [Left Bicep] 10 [Left Tricep] 11 [Right Hand] 12 [Left Hand] 13 [Unknown] 14 [Unknown] 15 [Right Thigh] 16 [Left Thigh] 17 [Left Shin] 18 [Right Shin] 19 [Right Foot] 20 [Left Foot]

All the unknowns are body parts, same as the force. You can set certain gradients on certain parts like blue to red on left thigh and red to green on right thigh.
Beta: YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT IT1!!! ITS LEGIT FULL 128! Morbon: joint textures and all? Beta: lol no fuck joint textures
Just copy the line I put up there and paste it over the line that's already there. That should work.

Just in case, here's the line again:

TEXBODY 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0