Single Joint Colors
Since people wanted me to do that, I will make it.
Go to your Toribash directory and open the folder \custom\yournickname
You will find an item.dat file. Open it with notepad or editor.
You will find that:
I'm not sure about TEXT, so I will skip that one =)
ITEM: 0;0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Blood Color
2 Force Color \
3 Relax Color |- ignore these 3 cause they change automatically if you change these colors like explained
4 Force Color /
5 DQ Ring Color
6 Ghost Color
7 Headavatar (Set this to 1 to enable or 0 to disable)
8 Timer Color
12 User Text Color
14 Emote Color
15 Grip Color
BODCOL is the Bodycolors of your tori.
You will have a list like that here.
BODCOL 0;0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 0
The set digits 1 2 3 ... refer to the body part and the digits which are set on 0 refer to the color.
0 = ---
1 = Breast
2 = Chest
3 = Stomach
4 = Groin
5 = Right Axilla
6 = Right Triceps(Upper Part)
7 = Right Biceps(Lower Arm)
8 = Left Axilla
9 = Left Triceps
10 = Left Biceps
11 = Right Hand
12 = Left Hand
13 = ---
14 = ---
15 = Right Thigh
16 = Left Thigh
17 = Left Leg (Lower Leg)
18 = Right Leg (Lower Leg)
19 = Right Foot
20 = Left Foot
GRADCOL1 / 2 is the Primary / Secondary Gradient colors.
You will have the same kind of list here.
GRADCOL1/2 0;0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 0
0 = ---
1 = ---
2 = ---
3 = stomach
4 = groin
5 = ---
6 = Right Triceps (Upper Arm)
7 = Right Biceps (Lower Arm)
8 = ---
9 = Left Triceps
10 = Left Biceps
11 = Right Wrist
12 = Left Wrist
13 = ---
14 = ---
15 = Right Thigh
16 = Left Thigh
17 = Left Leg
18 = Right Leg
19 = Right Foot
20 = Left Foot
FORCOL is the Forcecolors (It's getting interesting

RELCOL is the Relaxcolors.
REPCAL is the colorscheme shown in replays.
They all have the same.
0 = Neck
1 = Chest
2 = Lumbar
3 = Abs
4 = Right Pec
5 = Right Shoulder
6 = Right Elbow
7 = Left Pec
8 = Left Shoulder
9 = Left elbow
10 = Right Wrist
11 = Left Wrist
12 = Right Glute
13 = Left Glute
14 = Right hip
15 = Left hip
16 = Right Knee
17 = Left Knee
18 = Right Ankle
19 = Left Ankle
TRAILCOL is the color of your trails
0;0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0
0: Left Arm
1: Right Arm
2: Left Leg
3: Right Leg
And as always the 2nd digit indicates the color of your trail.
Just add your beltname behind the BELTNAME 0;
for example...
BELTNAME 0;Ultraviolet
This won't show up in single player though.
Now to the colors you can get.
I've added a picture with the number and which color is set to that color.
So if you want a colored neck, go to FORCOL/RELCOL, look for the '0' for neck and edit the digit behind it.
11 neptune
12 ecto
16 copper
22 aurora
26 acid
27 amethyst
28 aqua
29 bronze
30 demon
31 dragon
32 elf
33 gold
34 marine
35 noxious
36 orc
37 quicksilver
38 radioactive
39 sapphire
40 toxic
41 vampire
42 chronos
43 gaia
44 gladiator
45 hydra
46 pharos
47 sphinx
48 titan
49 typhon
50 pure
57 crimson
58 raptor
59 plasma
61 amber
62 azurite
64 viridian
65 shaman
71 supernova
75 adamantium
85 void
86 imperial
87 platinum
89 cobra
92 beetle
To load other peoples item.dat and textures there are some new commands in 3.2
You can try the following:
/loadplayer 0 hampa
/loadplayer 0 bumpmap
/loadplayer 0 trailman
/loadplayer 0 texman
This assumes you have those accounts in your custom folder.
The 0 or 1 is for player1 or 2.
This command does not work online.
Last edited by NutHug; Jan 8, 2009 at 07:20 PM.