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Voice chat
I mean like wouldnt it be cool to use a mic ingame?
Like in other games you hold a button and while you hold it you can speak into your microphone and talk to the other players.
It would make the game alot funnier and for the ones spamming or better said screaming off your ears with their microphones there could be a massvote mute means the player would get muted for the room for like lets say a hour?
Dont know if it has been suggested yet so i think this would be very interesting.
If you have suggestions how to make this better or why this isnt good share them here.
How Tonakai said, i don't see any reason to crash the game or other things. Also a voice chat should be so awesome for this game.
Room Microphone Chat
I'm sure this has been suggested before but I wasn't able to find the thread. So basically the tittle says it all. Operators will have the option to mute the person if they don't want them to speak and such, maybe a restriction to mics in official servers would be good to avoid people using mics to troll with annoying music and stuff. So yea, that's pretty much it, let me know what you guys think and if there should be something added or taken away.
Creati0n is the WORST Smite player EVER
"OMG U SHOVEL WTFFFFFF FAGGG" is the expectation everyone has when one of these ideas come up,
but if there is a mute system like Xbox Live has or something like that, it could be usefull for those who dont have skype or something similar.
Everytime a suggestion like this comes up, people like to suggest Skype as an alternative. Skype shouldn't be an option to avoid an idea like this.

I do like the idea though, if you want to chat with randomer (WITHOUT HAVING TO ADD THEM ON SKYPE) you can simply do so.


P. S. I know this isn't my thread but if there are going to 10 posts saying 'just use Skype'. What's the point of the other 9 posting.
Imagine the lag this would create for people with shit internet like me.
If people have a strong enough connection and want to voice chat, they should resort to skype.
~Not supported.
father of philip scone
Actually, most people would abuse this system, although it could be useful a lot. As the above say, a turn off button would be useful.
I should really find a clan.
Being able to talk in-game
Recently, I've been noticing how many people are using Skype to communicate with other people so that they can talk instead of write. So, I think a new update is in order where People are able to talk within rooms threw toribash. Examples of this is CoD and Battlefield. It makes clans and people in private servers would be able to talk to whoever else is that room,making it easier to communicate. Of course, you could mute people. There are multiple things you could to expand on this idea as well,
Lets say you want to talk in a whisper. It would be much easier to speak than to type and then correct spelling. Hope you like my idea.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
if this does get put in just at least put in a thing when you create a room or an option for the operator thats says "voice chat" or something.
like /set voicechat 0-1 0 being no 1 being yes
I do like this idea, but won't it become a little hectic in big servers such as betting servers? Other than that, I support this idea.