Weekend Bash
- Head, Thighs, Legs and Head UV maps have been fixed
- TGA files are now supported
- Thanks to sir, users can now use the bbcode: [texturepreview="height"]texture id[/texturepreview] to preview a set in the forums


Last edited by Hagan; Jul 14, 2017 at 06:45 PM.
Wow that's really really cool!
This might be to crazy for you to do idk but would it be possible to have the toribash shader and ray tracing so that your preview could be used for the ingame preview on the art market?
|Jacklox2| |Frost| |MrBeany| |Nugget| |Sheetboy| xFIRExGAME |

nice, really cool.

seems i can upload .obj files instead of textures too, makes things transparent. not sure how useful this is lol

weird, it is not intentional, I guess,
but gave me the idea of putting .obj, could or couldnt work well for the website.
Will we be allowed to use this as our texture previews if we're selling art instead of having to get screenshots in game?
you're on thin ice, pal
Originally Posted by Kunt View Post
Will we be allowed to use this as our texture previews if we're selling art instead of having to get screenshots in game?

that was the plan, yeah
msquad probably got sloppy with updating rules / making an announcement
Thanks so much. This is awesome.

Cuts a lot of annoying time artists have to put in trying to get a good screen shot and then uploading it etc. and makes it easier to follow the rules.

good shit