Weekend Bash
Original Post
Random Music
Hello! I make music, sometimes. Recently put out this one, if you want, leave some feedback!

I use FL Studio
Cinema 4D and photoshop for the cover art

This one I made thinking of the summer, sitting outside, having a coffe, listening to the rain falling, enjoying the smells and sounds of outside on a summer morning.

Join the Flip Discord! https://discord.gg/GBfDM9hBJB
banger 🙏
i listened to my london cab driver's mixtape* but nothing could prepare me for what happened 44 seconds in: a beep so loud that it knocked me unconscious. suddenly, a vision appeared of our planet as a burning hellscape ravaged by flames. he assumed his true form and invited me to escape to a planet called G-Unit 30B.
i put the pickup coordinates in my replay thread

Just made my first Spotify release!

Feedback is always appreciated!


It's also on soundcloud, youtube and pretty much everywhere ells

Last edited by J4rr3; Apr 25, 2024 at 04:13 PM.
Join the Flip Discord! https://discord.gg/GBfDM9hBJB
Got cooking during vacation, I liked this melody. Made a song. It's warm yet slightly moody.

Naturally lofi.


Link here!
Join the Flip Discord! https://discord.gg/GBfDM9hBJB
More music! Wanted it to feel more like a combo of lofi and dnb, anyway it's more chill than the ones before it.

yes that is my cat.

Join the Flip Discord! https://discord.gg/GBfDM9hBJB
Originally Posted by J4rr3 View Post
More music! Wanted it to feel more like a combo of lofi and dnb, anyway it's more chill than the ones before it.

yes that is my cat.


Pretty chill song, good job, sounds crisp.
"As the legend goes, the Felnin will be reborn time and again, though not always in the same body." - Fels.

- No Ghost Player - Dec 2024