Original Post
+Am I missing something?
I have a "Want 100k tc free? Click here!"
But...None of that is free. Infact, you need to be atleast 18 for all of those and have a credit card and pay money. Am I missing something?
No, you aren't.
Buying something else will get you free TC.
So it is free TC, but you have to pay for it anyways.
There are some free trials up there, but as you said, you need a credit card for those.

There is no way to get TC for free, or else nabi couldn't make money selling it.
Buy TC for a great price here!
Buy VIP and Toriprime for a great price here!

Hey look more than two lines.
You are giving them free money, and in return, they are giving you free tc.
See how this stuff works now?

But its technically not 'free' ;(

Oh well, no such thing as free in this game, unless its from bounties :3
Let me just point the real free stuff
Thats what you call free tc the hishest one ther is 54k i think and if you do all the free ones it 89k soo yet you dont need to pay for thosee but you have to pay for the 100k thing something has been fuckup.