There is some things about this thread:
- I will fill in this post gradually.
- This post will be huge and heavy, so you better have good unlimited I-connection.
- I'm asking some of the art smod guys (or someone who can and is willing) to edit this post without asking me, to clear it from grammar and spelling mistakes, cause my eng is bad.
- I'm asking to post in this thread your questions and suggestions, so i can add something or edit (some things could be complicated to understand and may be it had to be edited for better understanding)
- In this thread i'll post some of my works and works of other artists as examples. (I hope no one will take offense for this.)
- To work with this, you have to had ADOBE PHOTOSHOP cs3 or higher. If you advanced user of other soft, you will easily transfer all the things and ideas.
- Warning: This guide is not intended to teach drawing or working in Photoshop, and implies that you possess these skills. Although some of the things and tips I'll going to show.
THIS IS ADVANCED TEXTURING! You wont find here answers like how to buy/wear the textures, where texture files are located, how to re-size, transparency.. etc.
-This guide will help you learn how to texturing productively, will contain special Templates and Scripts to facilitate texturing. After studying it you will be able to create complex, connected, 3d-illusion sets.
- If you are ready to read this, you have to know that I won't post the same things several times. For better understanding, read from the begining. (For example: if I show a tip in the head section, I wont repeat it in the Joints section.)
Table of Contents:
I - Idea. Finding inspiration. II - Texturing
1) Head
2) Arms
3) Fists
4) Torso
5) Legs and Feet
6) Joints
7) Trail's
8) Bumpmapping III - Set presentation. VI - Recolor. V - Troubleshooting.
There is several most common cases of how set can born.
Random birth.
You just want to make a set and even do not know about what. Some random shapes, lines.. You are just drawing something, experimenting with a filters and tools, and finally you got an image. That's a rare case. There is no idea and no ref pics before you start.
This early set of mine was made such way.
Hint and ref pic searching.
Short story as an example.
One day i was playing lenshu with one great guy and artist Taiga. We were talking about sets and ideas, something like "it will be great to make a set like ... and like.." And he told me that he had an idea - Cards. The next day i googled all that may present cards. I googled "Joker Cards" image and i loved it. Here it is.
Joker set ref pic
So I had enough inspiration to make a set...
Jester set 128px
This is Accidentally suggested idea and googled ref pic.
From the head.
You had an idea for a head texture only. Once i had this "Some future motorcycle helmet and an eyes behind the glass." The main experiment was to make an illusion of the glass visor.Then I liked head and discovered, that there is a way of making deep volumetric textures, no matter of that we got only simple shapes of the doll. In short, there Is no ref pics.
Early 2010 128px Rider set.
The Idea is given to you and you can use ref pic if you want to. The idea could be a sketch, ref pic or something that is clear to you. The easiest way to find idea. The bad thing, that you have to draw even if you don't want to (cause of request). I mean you wanted at start, and then inspiration was gone. In this case it happens that set could turn into a slipshod work or undone work.
Tigra set. 512px head, 256px rest (was requested a set of Tai Lung from Kung Fu Panda )
Set for snake. full 512px (was requested a set of solid snake in nanosuite from the Metal Gear Solid )
Targeted search of a ref pic.
You are searching a pic of a character in the web. No idea, searching a ref pic and idea. There is some web sites with 3d-Characters where you can borrow an idea and find inspiration. (as example).
I was starting INOX set this way.
And the ref pic for INOX
link to the thread with a progress of this set in my sign.
Sudden inspiration of a pic.
You just surfing the web and finding an image. It could be a character or an element of something, or a something else. Sudden idea and sudden inspiration.
sudden ref for a Chrome shark
I cant find an exact pic, but it was something like this
CHROME SHARK 512px set (click the set image for a full size preview 2,5 mb)
This head I was drawing, fixing mapping, polishing something like a month almost every day.
I got a few pics that was accidentally found by me and I'm ready to share, cause i believe it could turn into a great sets:
some ref pics
Warning: big images!
Your goal is to redraw/upgrade an old set. Old set is an Idea. Nothing to think about.
This Head is a base texture. This texture is both the easiest and the most difficult to implement. If somebody will CnC your set, the first thing he will look at is head. Good set with bad quality, "cheap" head = bad set.
There are 2 types of heads:
- Not related to the other textures: Some sets of people, for example. Alucard set up the thread.
Connected with the other textures: occurs mostly in robots, knights, animals, ETC. In this case, creating a head texture will be associated with the creation of the other textures.I recommend creating a color palette for the entire set at this stage.And also, if necessary, use layers, styles, and keep separate elements as layers that can be used later in other parts of the body.
C.A.1 set by Raz as example
So we have a working area 512x512.
I do not recommend painting in 512x1024 and then compress it to 512 as you'll lose in quality and details.
We begin with a sketch from the center of the texture for the asymmetric heads, or from one side for symmetrical.
asymmetric example, freehand technique by Vitiek
symmetric example, layers, overlay effects, gradients, freehand technique
Save your project as often as possible!
Stored in several files.
Head1.psd, next save in head2.psd etc. to 3-5.
Change the history setting in Photoshop not less than 200.
Lost work - it is not very nice feeling!
The first utility: !!! Action Head Mirroring - script of automatic mirroring for symmetric head 512x512.Mirroring L> R - left to right.Mirroring R> L - right to left.
direct link: cs3, cs5 What it does: selects all layers ->duplicates-> merge layers -> selects half -> duplicates -> mirrors - > positioning. Application: mostly for preview.
First we need to create Action to quickly save the texture in the folder. You will often have to maintain, and believe me, every time go file> save as> TGA> select a folder or ctrl+shift+s and stuff ... will really strain.
In the video below, you'll see how to create a Save Action for a head texture. Saving Actions for other textures are created exactly the same way.
[LEFT]Next we go to the game window.
setup->game rules->distance 200.
disable graphics reloading -> off
Next go to freeplay. In the chat /opt uke 0 [enter], then 2 , g , and rotate camera with wsadeq.
Next /lp 0 test (where test your preview folder). If disable graphics reloading not working (may be you are care about your traffic or some bug). In the chat /lp 0 test , then /lp 0 fasdad, then /lp 0 test to reload textures.
Lets go back to the texture.
I'm strongly recommend to use a layers as much as possible. Each element is a layer.
When previewing you'll often notice that an ear, eye, nose, or some element is not in the place. Even if your head is completed, you can check, how it will look like if, for example, eyes put a little bit closer to each other. And of course it is easier to move a layer, than to cut off and patching.
We continue to draw closer to the back, top and bottom. I prefer to leave back at the end, so let's deal with the top. Top.
Polar coordinates!
Lets take a source image to try.
source image
Obviously, that complex top, such as top above, almost impossible to draw without polars. I will not explain here what polar coordinates is. (You can google it)
I just show you how to use it (how i use it) step by step:
1) take the source image. (or take your own)
2) Increase it to 1024x1024px
3) save it as separate file name.bmp or png. Now we will work with this file.
4) Use the polar coordinates filter. filter->distort->polar coordinates (point rectangular to polar)
5) Lets add some new element on the top of our head
I added 1 element on the source
6) save our file as name.bmp or png and save as psd our work (may be we will need to modify something later)
7) working with bmp(png), filter->distort->polar to rectangular
8) make it back 512x512px
9) Drag the result image to our main project as a new layer on the top.
10) Align new layer with the main image. Edit->free transform
What you have to know!
- You will loose in sharpness after transformations. It is reasonable to use Smart Sharpen filter on the top layer.
- Erase the part on the top layer where you didn't draw, as the image slightly distorted after manipulations.
I highlighted, what I have left off the top layer.
Done with polars.
------- Bottom.
You can use polars too, if it is really complex mapping. You can not to draw where the head joint is. This area wont be visible in the game.
------- Back of the head.
!!!Action Head back - script for turning the back to the front 512x512. (don't know how to call this clearly.)
Click once: Back to forward
Second click: Back to Back
direct link: download What it does: selects all layers ->duplicates-> merges layers -> crops -> offsets 256 px Application: for drawing the back of the head.
- on the seam of the head, there is should not be fracture lines, if there should not be.
- Visible Seam on the back = immediate failure To avoid it when not using the action above, set the Refine Edge settings, all to zero.
settings cs3
[CENTER]Do not worry that we have only sphere as a head. Shading is the key to success. You can create unexpected, original things. And it is very exiting to make such illusions.
Just take a look at these amazing heads.
=== end of the head===
!!!Main temp arms - template for drawing biceps and triceps in psd format.
direct link: download
[CENTER]Description of the template.
We certainly want to draw the arm with transitions between the edges. Wrap around.
To do this, we need to connect upper side with front side.
!!!Offset filter - this will help us to shift image in canvas, so the upper part appears from the bottom. (idk how to explain another way).
How to use for biceps and triceps: filter->other->offset... check wrap around. Then "vertical pixels down", for example, +200. After edge is connected, -200.
Important! This filter will work properly, only if your image doesn't go out of canvas. If necessary, trim your 512x512 contour.
Now it time for you to try how it works. It's easy.
=== end of the arms===
Ok, first we need to make a mapping of basic part.
Special prior fists template will help.
Click img and download.
how to use it
The easiest way to draw a realistic fist is drawing from your own fist. Just look at it and draw, it's not as difficult as it seems. I made so with a fist above. ^ ^
Next we need to select, cut, compress to 50% vertically, and move a part to main fists template. Then align with it. Leave not selected part for later use.
If you want a fingers down fist, just move fingers to the down side. Use snap option in view menu, for easier aligning.
Ok. now we have to preview what we got, and fix some mapping.
!!! Action Fist Preview - direct link: cs3, cs5 What it does: moves up side -> crops template to proper size 512x512px Application: before preview.
Important! How to use:
- To script working, you need to store all your working layers in the drawing layers group of the main fists template.
- After action, use fists saving action (that you already created, I hope ^ ^)
- Then go back a few steps by pressing ctrl+alt+z rapidly required number of times.
At this stage we need to draw on the prior template and transfer to the main template, previewing changes.
This part is the main mapping of fist and the hardest one. Lots of previews, jumping between templates, fixing, polishing, shading. Back, up, front and down sides should be almost done. Further will be easier.
Why not to draw on the main template?
Cause of pretty big distortion.
Just take a look what happen with a squares (tiles smooth ps texture).
The same will happen with all your lines, shadings, effects, spheres, etc.
One more thing to remember. Our priority is ungrabbed fist look, cause its more often appears ingame.
Mapping/Drawing sides
First we need to move (or draw) the first side to the main template.
here we go
Now we need an action again. The most epic action. ^ ^
!!! Fists Sides manipulations - direct link: download How to use: all working layers should be in group drawing layers.
And here is tutorial with a screenes:
step 1
On this stage we have to complete with the first side.
step 2
press side to 2 script to have this:
then draw the the junction:
step 3
press side to 3 script and side automatically moves to the next place :
we draw the junction again:
step 4
by pressing side to 4 script, it moves again
but we have no upper side on the place...
step 5
we press fake up to up script, and we got up on the right place
draw the junction
Ok. As you can see, we have 2 scripts: fake up to up and up to fake up. We need it if we want to add some elements or fix something at any stage. And it is not necessary to use if you got fingers down fists. save action and preview ingame.
Additional tip on template.
We want to add some element after preview. Using back to start script will help. It returns complete side to the first step.
Lets add some element on the new layer:
There is a way to resize the part of our element on the main image.
First of all, lets use fast select, that the fist template allows.
This will select a necessary area. Our new layer is active while clicking.
Then free transform with the settings as shown below:
Ooops, we got seam. Thats because we forgot about refine edge again. ^ ^
Ok. Now we did everything right and as result:
Then we have to complete 2 to 5 steps again.
You can do it fast by clicking the scripts in sequence, if there's nothing to draw on the rest junctions.
You can leave only the last merged layer named something like "drawing layers 18", and delete other merged layers.
step 6
Right placing the side element is easy with this action. Just click resize and to side2, and it will be on the place.
step 7
It's time to fix some seams.
Last step
Now we have to draw an other side.
Select and flip main image. Duplicate and merge all layers. You can use fast select on the special layer and then flip horizontally. Don't forget about refine edge.
And then from step 1 to 7 for the second side. Use resize and to side1 and seamfix 1 scripts instead.
After it's complete, flip main again, and the right fist will be ready.
Use the same action for the left fist, but swap the resize and to side and seamfix, use fast select tip and rotate as necessary. I guess you'll figure out.
Thats it. Is not as difficult, as it seems. Happy fists mapping. ^ ^
=== end of the fists===
First of all we need to understand, that we will have a deal with complete torso.
And of cause you'll need a special template's. Thanx to GoodBox
download for the front and for the back
some examples of how to draw
We need to draw front and back first. Then using quick select method, cut off the relevant parts to the panorama template, one after another.
!!!panorama torso template - direct link: download
How to use:
Paste front and back of some element of torso, then draw the rest.
TIP: u can start sides on the front and back template. And then do the rest in panorama. But then you have to cut off without template help.
I wont show you how to draw UP and DOWN sides. Just use the same tecnique. You can upgrade panorama template by doublicating all the special layers to the up and down.
And the last copy and paste is from panorama to the normal template:
so we got something like this. Stomach example
=== end of the torso===
Legs: Use offset filter. That's all i can say.
There is some distortion on the ends of the texture,..
...but compensating it is sick, i guess.
Feet - if you have done all the rest already, it will be not hard.
!!!Prior feet template - direct link: download
Draw like this:
I have numbered the moves on the pic above, so you can understand. No scripts here, but you can make one by yourself.
1 - Start from the center bottom of the foot and to diff directions.
2 - Drag upper side to the other side and draw the transition
3 - draw front transition
4 - move and draw back transition
5 - Drag the front, to draw transition from the inner to the front.
6 - Drag again, to draw transition from the outer side to the front.
7,8 - the same for the back of the foot.
Use quick select to copy parts.
The next step is to copy all that in the main template. The parts will be deforming a lot, but its fine. There is no another way.
We will got some messy texture, But preview is like it has to be::
=== end of legs===
Not wait this part in the near future
... in near future
3D texturing
First of all, you need a soft.
1) Mudbox 2014 sp1, or 2013
2) PS or Gimp (in gimp, manual opening of the PSD's.)
Second, is a model. (HOLD only. Relaxed and contr./extened joints models will be added later)
Well I kind of skipped over the tutorial and stuff but skimmed it. Looks like it will be helpful for some people. Really liked the sources and heads (should put a source from halo and portal, great inspiration too)