Original Post
Mod Maker!?!?
I'm a 10th dan, and I have figured out the basics to the mod maker (how to place objects and kind of rotating, but a detailed description on how the rotation things work would be nice). But I don't know how to export mods. Any tips are appreciated, but if you can tell me how to export my mods, I'll give you 500 tc ;)
Origin For Life
To export a mod. GO to the toribash dir and go to data and then to mods. And create a folder calld modmaker. Without a dot. And when you are done making a mod. Press export bottom left. But indeed you need to name it. But it's important that you have the .tbm and the end. That stands for ToriBashMod

Dont forget to upload the mod onto the website as well. This way it's enabled in multiplayer, tyo do this go to the mods section on the site:



Click "Add mod" on the left hand side. From there it's pretty straight forward
If ur trying to use a mod in toribash ingame like russ said add ur mod here in this link

Or i mean multiplayer sorry bout that
Last edited by MarkNike; Aug 8, 2015 at 10:30 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
