Original Post
Hey, everyone.
Hey guys, my name is Jordan and I just created an account for Toribash.

I had an old account (SilentAssassin), but I decided not to use it anymore mainly because I didn't like what people on this site thought of me as. I wanted to re-invent myself on the forum, so voila.

It's been a few years since I've been on the forum, and I've matured, changed views, opinions on things and overall demeanor, especially on the forum. Aging has helped me realize my mistakes on this site, and how to fix them.

So, why did I pick this name? Meh, MMPR was my favorite show as a kid. Plus, I thought once I have enough money it would be badass to have a complete set that looked like a Power Ranger.

So, yeah. Hey.
Heya there, BlackRanger. I'm glad age has cleared the path of any previous mistakes, and you're ready to start fresh. Just in-case, though, give the rules a good run-through once or twice. Also, if you happen to forget any previous experience in-game, feel free to ask me, a Uniteam member, or Bleu for help. Welcome, again.
Last edited by poppo361; Oct 23, 2011 at 11:29 PM. Reason: I SAID YOUR INSTEAD OF YOU'RE RAAAAAAAAGE
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
Originally Posted by poppo361 View Post
Heya there, BlackRanger. I'm glad age has cleared the path of any previous mistakes, and you're ready to start fresh. Just in-case, though, give the rules a good run-through once or twice. Also, if you happen to forget any previous experience in-game, feel free to ask me, a Uniteam member, or Bleu for help. Welcome, again.

I never had any trouble with bans or anything. I just created a lot of enemies, especially within old clans I was in. But I guess it wouldn't hurt to go through all the by-laws again, wouldn't it?

Anyway, I definitely need some new colors for joints and such, have they fixed the market yet, or is the shop the only thing that still works?
Everything is back up and running. Things may have changed though, so if you need additional help with marketting and such, just shoot me a PM
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.