So sorry if this might as well count as a bump, but does this mean I can give 1 QI to someone for 500,000k TC?
funny blue smiling person
please to be enjoying lowkido
let's bring minibash back!

you can purchase 1 qi for 500,000 thousand TC.

I know, you could get 10000 qi for 480,000 TC by selling them to USD and buying 10000 qi from torishop for 48$
And if i want to remove the numbers from my name?
Does that go to the 5K/1 number or just the whole username change?
Is it possible to buy this name - hix
I know its 3 letters long, but it does exist, users with 3 letters does exist too (in example cat)
user is not active since Jan 7, 2009 so its longer than 3 years.
SOLD: 44 000 TC
I dont have Qi? Send it on "Hixman"
its like you almost read half his post, good job for making it that far though.

Usernames with 3 letters exist,
- Cat
i know tons of players with 3 letters eg:sir,dad,hil
even registration had 3 letter registration
but it was changed into 4 letters after some time

Originally Posted by u
Usernames with 3 letters exist,
- Cat

I know 3 letter username exist
please take a look at my post
do u find anything that says "3 letters usernames don't exist
Last edited by scorpionma; Jun 30, 2014 at 02:59 PM.
INB4 14 days ban
Organs is right, you are wrong.
Organs presented cat as a 3 letter username as an argument to your post. Why? Because cat was a namechange from User. So therefore, your post wasnta completely full answer.

From what I learned there used tobe a glitch that could get you around the 4 letter minimum in the past. Supposebelly, you can now do it with the Client. And as far as I know, if you have done something usefull for toribash, TB community etc., than you are allowed to get a 3 letter username.

I am not saying that this is true, but thats what I heard.