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Custom ingame flags
Title explains the idea, I think that having a custom flag would be pretty cool. Instead of having my flag show USA I would have the dragon from skyrim, it would most likely be simple and the staff can make a system where you have to supply the picture and a set amount of tc (it's not like they are going to do this for free.) It's not something that makes a big change to the game so I doubt many people will have problems with it.

Change the flag you see next to your name to something custom
Adds silly little perk that does nothing but obviously is pretty cool
Sinks tc!
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
I don't really support this, it's just basically against the purpose of what flags are for, to be able to tell what country another player is from. However this is only an cosmetic, it's not useful and not a lot of people would notice it. Creative, but somehow... In my words deposed of usefulness.
I wish I could disable my flag and just show the defult Toribash logo, it's kind of annoying for me
Signed and certified by RavWolf: guardian of the underworld.
literally every item in this game is purely cosmetic and expensive and useless yet people buy them.
as much as everyone here wants to see what country everyone else is from (for whatever reason), proxies exist so the flags displayed might not be accurate at all, and the system isn't all that good.
maybe since the icon item is expensive as heck this should be an add-on feature on it? having your icon displayed as your flag would make the item more worth buying than just having it while you're in-game, though i can't help but think that would increase its price. the other options i could think of is having it as a separate customizable item, or paying once per change of flag.
you got a good point on the fact that flags are purely cosmetic
and dif proxies allowing me to change my flag ez pz
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert