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Real time game mode
I've had this idea for a while, and I know that most of the suggestions don't get implemented but I might as well share it with some people.

So what we have right now is that Toribash is a turn-based game. In multiplayer in classic mode for example you get 20 seconds to click your joints how you want to the n you skip 10 frames, and it happens again. The numbers are different for various mods, but the concept is always the same.

My idea is that instead of getting to make moves during the freeze time, you get an option to toggle a gamemode where the replay is going at a slow speed (if we take classic.tbm, we have 20 reaction time per 10 turn frames, so the replay would need to play a turn frame each 2 seconds), and you can click joints at any time during your match. Before the game starts, you get 20 seconds to make some sort of an opener. Joint movements get applied after the counter reaches the beginning of the next frame (so you have 2 seconds to adjust a certain joint if we go with our example). This way, you can allow for quicker and more intense matches, since you see what your opponent is going for and vice versa.

Yet again, this would be hard to implement and probably won't be implemented any time soon, if at all, but I just wanted to share some thoughts and maybe give you some new ideas to think about. Thanks for taking your time to read this, peace.
Last edited by AssassinPro; Jun 24, 2016 at 12:12 AM.
Fully Supported

I got on here just now to post an idea like this. I think that this would be tons of fun. The only issue I see is lag. I am not sure how smooth gameplay would be considering players can be matched from many different locations and there is already some lag between animations.
This needs to happen. This would be one of those big changes that gamers want.
And i had a idea to make it easier to use:
So its a constant szream of time, but how to you interact with your tori. You click the joints like always, but that doesn`t change the toris movement. It only changes the joint. And then you have to confirm that change woth a right click and by pressing "button1" to confirm your changes for the entire body. And there is "button2" that sets the joint to the actuall movement.

Klein Bottles only have one surface so they are the easiest thing to clean

Originally Posted by Continua View Post
Fully Supported

I got on here just now to post an idea like this. I think that this would be tons of fun. The only issue I see is lag. I am not sure how smooth gameplay would be considering players can be matched from many different locations and there is already some lag between animations.

As he said, the lag would ruin it, what would happen if someone had lags?
BTW, this would change the whole game which is a turn based game.
I am Back :>
Feel free to pm me about any Art request.
Originally Posted by 00Assassin00 View Post
As he said, the lag would ruin it, what would happen if someone had lags?
BTW, this would change the whole game which is a turn based game.

If someone had lags, we would have the same thing as in other games - people teleporting, but because the game is going so slow it shouldn't be too gamechanging, just some hardcore twitching.
It's not supposed to replace what we have right now but rather be an option, that's why it's titled "game mode". Yes, it will change the game, but it's not necessarily a bad thing.
Dab and I tested something somewhat similar to see how we'd feel about it : we went on different mods and put 2 tf and 3-5 reactiontime... it's different but somewhat fun. Misclicks are deadly and it's intense. Very hard for newer players though, as they would take more time to assimilate what each joint does what and what they should change next. I attached our replays in messer, sumore, and xspar, it takes a lot more time than regular tb tho (except spar)
Attached Files
#contisumore.rpl (1.04 MB, 18 views)
#contimesser.rpl (523.4 KB, 12 views)
#conti.rpl (919.7 KB, 17 views)
I am actually happy that this got bumped, and before that post gets deleted as useless I'd like to add that with this gamemode in the game it would also make sense to display player ping since now it would actually be relevant.
For the way sora and I did our game mode I would set the reaction time high for the first turn to get them familiarized and then start out with the 3-5 reactiontime so they are ready, it is really intense as he said, and you can be really balanced and smooth once used to it but people new to it can be kinda twitchy
Tested this with Fear in wushu and morten_3. Went pretty much exactly as dabarett and DashSora said, intense, fun, twitchy at the start but you can really make cool moves once you figure it out. Got an update for the idea:

Would be nice to have the game speed up/slow down in mods like aikido where you have different turn frames throughout the game.

And a little story with a moral at the end:

[18:27] <@AssassinPro> one time my brother told his friend about toribash
[18:27] <@AssassinPro> briefly
[18:27] <@AssassinPro> the guy got super excited
[18:27] <@AssassinPro> he said that it soulds like the best game ever
[18:28] <@AssassinPro> but then when he installed it he learned that its turn based
[18:28] <@AssassinPro> and he lost all his enthusiasm
[18:28] <@AssassinPro> moral of the story: add my idea kthx

Actual moral of the story: this idea wouldn't just benefit older players who are tired of the game and want to try something new, but also might attract newer players as it's a cool concept.
Just immigrating the situation by setting low turn frames and reaction time. So no, it can't be done via modding/scripts I don't think. Gonna ask NutHug the script master to be sure.