Original Post
Event post icon
Title say all :']
We have a lot of that, but an event icon would be essential ...
If you don't know what i'm talking about:

Make one that doesn't suck and I'll think about it

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Same Idea. It would be a useful icon, would not it? because you can create a thread and with the icon warning: this is an event. Essential.
shoot skul a pm with them, he might've forgot

seems like a good idea to me for events outside the events board

It's not forgotten, it's in the queue

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you