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The ultimate guide to unleashing the true potential of your custom folder
The ultimate guide to unleashing the true potential of your custom folder

This tutorial is designed to show you how to change your character customisations withour paying a sinlge toricredit, the only problem is that you are the only person who can see it.

By the end of this tutorial you should be able to know how to customize your character to this extent:

The first thing you will need to do is locate your custom folder. You do this by choosing where you chose to install toribash, going into the toribash 3.2, this is most likely to be in your program files in your c drive, if you are not allowed access to this on your computer you may have to change your computer settings. When you have clicked onto the toribash folder, go to the custom folder, and then find the custom folder with your name on it, and open it up.

Here is the route i have to take to get to my custom folder:

C:\Program Files\Toribash-3.2\custom\ronalds

When you open up your custom folder, depending on what level of customisations you already have, there should be a few things in it:

Body Textures
One of the things you can use your custom folder for is changing your textures of your character. To do this, you need to create a tga file that is 128x128 pixels and save it into your custom folder (Tga converter). All body parts can have textures (not just the ones you can buy in the shop). To make the texture appear on the body part you want it to appear on you have to give it the apropriate name in the custom folder, for example, to have a texture as your head texture, you have to save it as head, if you want the texture to be your left arm you have to save it as l_biceps.
Here is a list of all the body parts, to set a texture to that body part, you just need to put it in your custom folder saved as the name of the body part:

r_axilla (part of torso)
l_axilla (part of torso)
chest (part of torso)

for the tutorial on textures follow this link

In your custom folder, there should be a file called itam.dat (if there isnt, an easy way to get one is to go into another players custom folder and copy and paste their into yours), this item.dat file can be opened in notepad, to do this just right click it, then select the open with... option and choose notepad.
The itam.dat file is used to log the information on your joint colours, blood colours, torso colour, ghost colour, trail colours, dq ring colour, and other things which have not yet been released in torishop. For an in depth tutorial on how to change your colours with the item.dat folder just follow this link to NutHug's excellent tutorial. (when you log into multiplayer your item.dat fle is reset by the server)

There is also a file named equipment.dat, that at the moment stores your player ghost data in the same way other data is stored in the item.dat folder, its pretty much the same principal as using the item.dat folder

Although you can change trails in the item.dat file, you can also have textured trails. To do this, you need to create the texture that you want (has to be 128x128) and get it in tga file. Then you can save it under any of the following names:

trail_l_arm for the left arm trail
trail_r_arm for the right arm trail
trail_l_leg for the left leg trail
trail_r_leg for the right leg trail

EDIT: To do this, if you have item trails activated in your inventory they must be deactivated fo your trails in your custom folder to work. this thread has some good examples of what you can do with trails

Joint textures
This is the cool bit :) To get custom joint textures, you do so in the exact same way as you do with trails and body parts. There are 20 joints, so for each you will need a different name. As before you will need to save them as the following names:


Ground textures
You can also add a ground texture in the same way that you can add other kind of textures, just make sure its 128x128 and saved as ground in your custom folder

DQ Textures
Some dunce recently also had the idea to let players use textured dq rings (I dont know exactly why, because this seems like the most insignificant thing to be able to texture) to ad your own dq ring into your custom folder, you must also save it as a 128X128 uncompressed tga, and save it under the file name dq

You may have seen players with booster icons next to their name, well besides that, i think it is also possible to have another icon (this is because i have seen drakhir's woorld championship medal next to his name). To try and get an icon next to your name in game, you must save the 128X128 uncompressed tga image in your custom folder under the file name icon

If you have any problems understanding any of the aspects of this tutorial, just post here, and i will do my best to help.
Last edited by WorldEater; Oct 28, 2017 at 03:48 PM.