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[Art] Weird guy
Sup guys i made this yesterday what you think about it?
CnC please =3




Last edited by Bojka; Aug 28, 2012 at 04:01 PM.
Ahaha cool looking dude right there!

But is it a furry? Judging by the small amount of fluffy fur by the wrists
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ  Pedobear approves!
The torso and up is a good cartoon style drawing. The belt isn't bad ether just the calves are both pointing > that way, if you make them flat and not proportionate like that it would look better. Also same on the shoes there both going twards the right, and making the shove have a little more detail.

I would love to see it in color to.

Here is an example of what im saying about the proportion.


Something like that^
Last edited by ugonadie6; Aug 29, 2012 at 01:18 AM.

Yeah, thank you guys for advices

Proportion isn't normal cuz he's not a human <ik sounds weird xD>
Ist something like Na'vi or something like that... i don't really know xD