Original Post
hi Ive been playing toribash for a while now and i have found that mine is slow not lagy but the toris don't move as fast on my screen
so if u can help pleas do
post this in support next time.

Because you gave 0 information on your computer, I'm going to have to make random assumptions.

1. stop all other applications
2. turn of shaders
3. your laptop will lag if it is really hot.

Those are the only 3 I got. I wouldn't be surprised if the answer was 1 or 2.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Originally Posted by epicwins View Post
hi Ive been playing toribash for a while now and i have found that mine is slow not lagy but the toris don't move as fast on my screen
so if u can help pleas do

take off every option except shaders, fluid blood, reflections, and you should be fine, that's what I do.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
This belongs in support. Remember to read the forum rules. And this is probably just as fps slowdown. There can be many reasons.
The cause is the overuse of CPU usage.

You can prevent this by lowering all the settings, closing all other programs, and keeping your computer from overheating
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