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Glowing tori glitch
Whenever I click on my ankle joint my tori just starts to glow
anyone know how to fix this?

Its just a bug, it's not fixable I don't think, do you have joint textures? If so then thats the reason Idk a fix for it though

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no slaskblack is wrong no problems on your end its a glitch/bug it happeneds to everyone with joint texts there is no fix but its not like its a big deal in doesnt happen for/in replays and only you can see it so yea
|Jacklox2| |Frost| |MrBeany| |Nugget| |Sheetboy| xFIRExGAME |
I have it as well, at first I thought it was my flame. But it's the joints, I like the bug though. It makes my tori cool in my opinion.
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well, I never had joints
so I thought it was because the graphics card
because I had the same problem in other games before I updated it
So yeah...
Originally Posted by SlaskBlack View Post
well, I never had joints
so I thought it was because the graphics card
because I had the same problem in other games before I updated it

In what games do you have joints that glow you character up? xD jk I had it too, and I don't want a fix for this bug ;-;

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I want that glitch so bad
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Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.