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Purchase request submission
New Purchase request
Choose an item to submit purchase request for:
Loading your items
Unknown error, please try again later.
Item(s) to sell:
You cannot raise request's price by more TC than you currently have (balance: -1 TC)
Your TC balance will be instantly updated according to new request price upon submission.
Loading market prices..
Lowest sale price:
Highest buy request:
Last seen price:
Shop price:
Modifying your shop
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Migrating old market items
Are you sure you want to migrate all your old market items to the new system?
If you wish to modify specific items' prices, this can be done after migration.
Two migration modes are supported:
Seller price - you receive the same amount of TC as before, market tax is paid by the buyer making items more expensive for them
Buyer price - market tax is deducted from your payout, keeping price for buyers the same