Hmm, can I join the admins and help slaughter the spammer horde? I want my guy to be a giant bionic suit. My real self is about 5 inches high and I am controlling the bot from inside. If you look at my head you can see me inside. I want to have a giant spike on my fore arm and my other hand can transform into a giant gattling gun. I shall donate TONS for that.
signature. your into this paste and copy backwards, this read to enough dumb were you if
Originally Posted by Nellis View Post
Hmm, can I join the admins and help slaughter the spammer horde?

Who the hell are you?
<( O )>
The post count required for senior members needs to be a lot higher.
I think it's only 150 or so.
Gives you the impression that people like him have been around for a while.
lol, he looks like he should LEAD the spammer horde...
Clbck, anything you give me will be helpful
Nellis, I have too much going on with putting all the admins and g-mods into the next strip. As it stands, no normal users are getting in. I will try my best, but as I said, be patient. If you don't make it in here, you'll probably be in the banquet scene at the 3.0 feast.
To everyone who isn't a G-mod or an Admin: Don't keep asking to be in it. I'll post when I'm done with all the g-mods and admins and then ONLY THEN can you tell me what you want. I'm overworked as is to come up with 20+ pages of awesomeness. Plz, be kind.

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~
Originally Posted by Cevius View Post
Who the hell are you?

I am Nellis. I am a user that wants to bring peace, grammar, and punctuation to this world. I will help others. I even agreed to help Jumpah with grammar and whatnot. But they banned him too fast. I think I DO have what it takes to atleast kill some Spammers in the horde. And maybe what it takes to be a Admin or G-mod.
signature. your into this paste and copy backwards, this read to enough dumb were you if
Originally Posted by Nellis View Post
I think I DO have what it takes to atleast kill some Spammers in the horde. And maybe what it takes to be a Admin or G-mod.

I think we need to make him an admin then.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.

Yea you are right PID. Everyone thinks nowdays that invicible text is invicible. And remember the fact that if you ask could you be Admin or G-mod, then you wont be a G-mod or Admin.
<jacadventour69> Hold the line...
<dragonforcerocks11> love isn't always on time...
<jacadventour69> It's not in the words that you told me, girl
<dragonforcerocks11> im not a girl douche
No no no. Im not asking to be one. Im saying I think I have what it takes to be one. I WOULD like to be one but im not gunna beg and be annoying like this:


Oh. And you spelled invisible wrong.

'nyways. I shall donate some more.
signature. your into this paste and copy backwards, this read to enough dumb were you if