Original Post
Hello, my name is Tod, but most people call me Doclan for some strange reason haha. I was born on March 25, 1992, I live with my father in Michigan, Detroit.
I don't have any brothers or sisters so that's a bit boring sometimes, just living with father. I'm an active, easy-going and talkative person and I love meeting new people.
I am self-confident person, I love sports like football soccer and football, I play them both actively with my friends although I'm not the best out there heh.

I can play guitar, piano (a little bit) I mostly love to listen to the music music, almost all types but mostly rock, some of my favorite bands are;
Pink Floyd
Foo Fighters
Led zeppelin
Guns 'n Roses
The Killers
The Doors
I think I've written too much about music.

In my free time I like to play on the computer, sleep, listen to music, read, going out with friends and such. When I was young my father always bought me balloons and stuff, I used to play with him a lot, so I am familiar to a couple of sports now, something I really enjoy.

Well that's a lot about me I believe :P
It will be nice to be in this community, I hope I meet some more people
Quite a detailed introduction. :v

Welcome, and I hope you enjoy the time you'll have as a part of this community.
Got ninja'd D:

Anway, Im sent you 1k, a headstart on your journey on toribash
Last edited by JorreI14; May 10, 2010 at 12:48 PM.
Originally Posted by lsl View Post
Quite a detailed introduction. :v

Welcome, and I hope you enjoy the time you'll have as a part of this community.

I hope so too! haha

Originally Posted by JorreI14 View Post
Got ninja'd D:

Anway, Im sending you 1k, a headstart on your journey on toribash

Thank you ;)
But it is no problem, I'd like to earn it by myself, somehow.
Although, it's very nice of you I have to admit!
ty, but it will take a long time if you have no booster or if you dont buy D:

btw, your name sounds like Do clan. Btw join a clan, make friends so you can stay here longer :P
Thanks for the advice, in that case I'll keep it, I think it's no time for me to join a clan, I'd like to be in where I know everyone, although I don't know anyone so haha, I'll just try to use the forum actively.
Woah... I am just like you XD. I live with my father too. And i love music! But welcome to the forums. Have fun!
Welcome to toribash!

I hope you'll find it fun n stuff.

Feel free to PM me or any other Administrator or super moderator if you need any help.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

Originally Posted by Doclan View Post
Hello, my name is Tod, but most people call me Doclan for some strange reason haha. I was born on March 25, 1992, I live with my father in Michigan, Detroit.
I don't have any brothers or sisters so that's a bit boring sometimes, just living with father. I'm an active, easy-going and talkative person and I love meeting new people.
I am self-confident person, I love sports like football soccer and football, I play them both actively with my friends although I'm not the best out there heh.

I can play guitar, piano (a little bit) I mostly love to listen to the music music, almost all types but mostly rock, some of my favorite bands are;
Pink Floyd
Foo Fighters
Led zeppelin
Guns 'n Roses
The Killers
The Doors
I think I've written too much about music.

In my free time I like to play on the computer, sleep, listen to music, read, going out with friends and such. When I was young my father always bought me balloons and stuff, I used to play with him a lot, so I am familiar to a couple of sports now, something I really enjoy.

Well that's a lot about me I believe :P
It will be nice to be in this community, I hope I meet some more people

i think this guy is gonna become hardcore spammer o.o
welcome and enjoy staying here
Thanks for the info SlipAnc
Originally Posted by wwolfer View Post
i think this guy is gonna become hardcore spammer o.o
welcome and enjoy staying here

I don't know why you think such thing ;o
I don't believe in the theory of "I look cool with a big postcount" so, well, forums aren't made to make useless posts and reach an ammount of number under your join date or avatar