Original Post
In official servers (Beginner, Intermediate, SemiPro, BlackBelt, Ultimate and tournament servers), you can not. Punished with a ban.
In private servers, you can.
Is it the same in tourney servers cause I have seen this guy in same server 4 times it's annoying cuz he wins...
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Originally Posted by Fardar View Post
Is it the same in tourney servers cause I have seen this guy in same server 4 times it's annoying cuz he wins...

Report him.
moderators can't do anything if they don't know about it......
Originally Posted by Fardar View Post
Is it the same in tourney servers cause I have seen this guy in same server 4 times it's annoying cuz he wins...

Your only allowed to be in one server once.
You be be in multiple servers, so long as your only logged into each one once.