Originally Posted by A0Xr View Post
Let's go easy on him. He called himself that because I (and others) dared him to. I don't think you should've made this thread though, you knew you were gonna get banned from the beginning. I know who your main is.

TBH although I knew he was gonna get banned for his name, it's not really something you should get banned for. I know it's inappropriate, but I don't think it should be inappropriate. But that's just me going on a rant (I do that a lot).

I think it was funneh how ishi banned him on sight.


I r Batdude.
Originally Posted by The_Legendary_Ninja View Post
Would 8 year olds even know of the words meaning? Or even care ? >.>

Younger kids ask where babies come from.
Originally Posted by A0Xr View Post
Let's go easy on him. He called himself that because I (and others) dared him to. I don't think you should've made this thread though, you knew you were gonna get banned from the beginning. I know who your main is.

TBH although I knew he was gonna get banned for his name, it's not really something you should get banned for. I know it's inappropriate, but I don't think it should be inappropriate. But that's just me going on a rant (I do that a lot).

I think it was funneh how ishi banned him on sight.

One question; did you make a single point in that entire post?

Also my six year old brother plays this game and i wouldn't want him to be exposed to that kind of filth. Just because something is natural as the original poster put it doesn't mean they have to exposed to something that vulgar at a young age.
About the violence issue children ,with or without toribash, play violently. what about when you play cops and robbers or cowboy and indians and you go "I KILLED YOU STOP MOVING YOU'RE CHEATING!" you talk about shooting your good friend in the head!

What ever the case i think you should be banned, POWERdildo. You are completely out of line with the name please change it.
Evil's Old School cracked out Paladin.
Originally Posted by Project View Post
One question; did you make a single point in that entire post?

Also my six year old brother plays this game and i wouldn't want him to be exposed to that kind of filth. Just because something is natural as the original poster put it doesn't mean they have to exposed to something that vulgar at a young age.
About the violence issue children ,with or without toribash, play violently. what about when you play cops and robbers or cowboy and indians and you go "I KILLED YOU STOP MOVING YOU'RE CHEATING!" you talk about shooting your good friend in the head!

What ever the case i think you should be banned, POWERdildo. You are completely out of line with the name please change it.

so u gotta close his eyes. dont let him watch tv. what if it shows tampons? or condoms? what u gonna do? sue the network station? what about kids in the USA that go to school and kill everybody cuz of videogames? this is absurd...
Last edited by POWERdildo; Mar 23, 2008 at 04:40 AM.
mmhmm, people are gonna go to school, and do a low gravity jump and kick somebody's head off. Your name is very innapropriate and there is really no other explanation.
Back in my day...
I seem to recall something like this like literally the day I joined the forums - something about CockRocket? They came to a similar conclusion, I think. I vote mods on this one.
I can hear chants and incantations and some guy is mentionin' me in his prayers / I don't know what it is but there's definitely something going on upstairs

Originally Posted by AlexOwnz View Post
mmhmm, people are gonna go to school, and do a low gravity jump and kick somebody's head off. Your name is very innapropriate and there is really no other explanation.

no. but how many times iv seen on tv kids that get a gun and go shooting everyone else cuz of videogames? what makes u think this one wont promote violence? and what about the registration? doesnt it say over 13? so why is a 8yo playing it? and kids over 13 these days already know whats a dildo. we aint on the 80's.

Edit: i posted a screenie of someone named "rape" people say it doesnt matter. fine. ill change mine to "TheRapist". no problem guys. its all good
Last edited by POWERdildo; Mar 23, 2008 at 05:20 AM.
"Note: If you state you are under 13 years, COPPA requires you to get parental/guardian consent."

so there. if they have parental consent to play this, they should be expecting every sort of things since its a violent game