Original Post
Complete Post Functions Tutorial.
Hello Everybody!

Today i'm here to teach you what are all the post functions, and tell you how to use them!
Didn't understood what i meant by Post Functions?
Look up there while posting something, there will be some picture icons.
Those are it.
So, let's start explaining each of them!

So, starting by the most basic ones, we have, Fonts...if you click that, lots of strange names will show up, and obviously that's for selecting a font for your text, just click on it and start typing!.
Secondly, we have Sizes, Colours and Smiles! Those are pretty self explanatory in my opinnion, let's skip to the ones that actually are interesting!.
This one! The job of it, is to help you attaching your files to the post so people can download them, it can be a replay for example!
This one is to undoes something you've done to the text, it's very similar to CTRL+Z, the one right next to it, does the opposite, when you undo something, it allows you to redo it!
This is to increase the size of the text editor. And obviously, the other one down, is to decrease its side.
This one is very useful, it's used to make a word bold, or even a text, it can be used to the the user this is important.
This one here, makes your text itallic, it can be used for example for scientific names such as Homo-sapiens
This is used to make your text underline , it can also be used to tell the user this is important.

These are used for the text position, pretty self explanatory too.

This one is used to make a list of things, using numbers.
Same job as the one up here, but instead of numbers, it uses dots.
This makes a piece of text redirect to a website, and this:
removes it effect.
This one also is very self-explanatory, it's used to redirect a user to the e-mail client when the user clicks on a certain text.
This one inserts an image!Just get your image link and paste it on it!
This is used to quote someone text, example:
Hahaha...text here!

This is used to embed a youtube video, i'll use some music as example:
We have:
We Insert: r50uvtUWPL0
Used to display code as in a code editor.
Makes spoilers.


I hope you enjoyed the tutorial, please correct me if i'm wrong in anything, thanks!
Used to make text like this, it can be used like...if you had a message, but then decided to remove it / change it.
Last edited by Danpain; May 3, 2013 at 06:51 PM.
You forgot This one

Anyways, nice one
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this