Originally Posted by DuckHuntP View Post
If it doesn't already, could you try to make it cover pm/em strings from any ignored players?

You can just ignore them in the forums and you won't get any PMs.

Also I like the fact that no one has mentioned this, but it is nothing major, really.
Just a simple one letter that is missing...
echo("^08Unkown ignore command. Commands are: ^02add^08 and ^02remove")

Gj overall, still and will always be using it.
If it doesn't already, could you try to make it cover pm/em strings from any ignored players?

EDIT: Not sure how this post ended up below the quote.
Last edited by DuckHuntP; Sep 4, 2015 at 01:15 AM.
Originally Posted by NoKi1119 View Post
You can just ignore them in the forums and you won't get any PMs.

Making a combined standard in-game solution, including block of emote chat and general chat as well, would be more user friendly.
Originally Posted by AleksxP View Post
It should have a menu that you can know who u ignored

"/ignore <name>" as a toggle function, plug "/ignorelist", would work.
Last edited by DuckHuntP; Sep 4, 2015 at 02:08 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I had a look once more to see if there was any way to block whispers using lua, still doesn't seem like there is..

As for emotes there's no way to tell who did an emote afaik, so that's not really possible either. One possible option would be just to disable all emotes and I guess I could add that option in if it's really wanted.

Thanks for spotting the typo btw NoKi, fixed it.

I'll add the option to view a list of who you've ignored.
Added it!

/ignore list
Will now list all of the people you have ignored.
Last edited by Blam; Sep 7, 2015 at 06:03 PM.