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a first madman
well, its a pretty noobish one, one thing i need to fix is that i need to use my legs more to get the dm's. at least i did a decap.
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Originally Posted by Dragenon View Post
The replay is glitching, but anyways its very stiff.

Take a hint and be less stiff. Either use a joint or relax it, and voilá, you're not stiff anymore.

Yay for inuendo.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
basically, you cant have too much momentum. ( I dunno if thats true for those big-shot guys like NutHug and Warcry, but you're not there yet.) Another tip is too extend everything, then contract it all, or atleast so you'll get a hit on uke. should be hard. and another one: hitting and kicking at the opposite sides is a pretty good idea, but its easier, and looks better if only one of them hits and the other one is going at the opposite direction of the kick, but is doing something different.
<Catguy19.0> "Quote me."
Traveling really fast does NOT make the replay glitch. Editing (pressing 'e') the replay a lot does though. There are other reasons too, but most people don't know them.