Original Post
i figured this would be faster than pm'ing a mod

i would just like to know why it says im banned from IRC?, i did nothinh wrong that i know of, in fact i actually helped someone today.

User warned for underscriptive thread title. ~SA
Last edited by SlipAnc; Oct 19, 2009 at 05:30 AM.
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yes, but i would like to know why, as i said, i didnt do anything wrong wrong that i know of
Visit Alphasonik's texture city for all texture needs city
IRC isn't too serious of a place compared to the forums, so it was probably for the amusement of some guy there.
Don't worry too much about it, unless the ban persists for over a day.
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Incognito - [o]
there isent a way to find out why? i would just like to know
Visit Alphasonik's texture city for all texture needs city
nah it just says im banned from IRC good day
Visit Alphasonik's texture city for all texture needs city
way ahead of u
Visit Alphasonik's texture city for all texture needs city
Are you trying to join on mibbit?
Because if yea then mibbit might be banned again, might not be your fault.

If you are trying to join #support, then maybe somebody got pissed of you there and banned you because you didnt follow the procedures.

What irc client are you using?

Vox sucks
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[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

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