Original Post
[Logo] My first Logo.
So i saw zanzaba's siggy ( which is pretty much the best ever ) and got inspired ;)
so i made a logo in the same style.
i just took the colors and the idea to make a circel and tribal around it.
NO copy and paste just my brain ;)))
so here it is:

Edit: dont forget to c&c! what i can improve etc.
Last edited by olik7891; Jan 29, 2010 at 07:30 PM.
Check out my Youtube!
I'll have to go with killer on that. Really, what is that? It looks pretty nice though.
Don't read this.
Actually When I always see zanzaba's sig
I kinda think its a headphone for communication like from those cyber games and such

like walkie talkies but on the ear
something like that

and now
with olik's creation
It looks like a dagger
overrall it looks neat
I give it a 8/10
and it's cartoonish
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satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck