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Help computer sound wont go loud enough
Everything is at the max all the sound settings in control pannel etc and it's too quiet for allot of stuff. How can I get it louder can I get like a program to louden everything? Also wouldnt let me post in computer chat so I'm posting it here.
Usually getting a good set of speakers helps with sound. Or is it that you do currently have speakers but they are not loud enough for you.
I have a great head set worth like 70$ and most of the time it's loud enough but like when it's loud around me it still needs to be louder but it cant go anymore.
Pardon me but holy crap you must live in a noisy enviroment. Anyways, most speakers i know of can easily blast out near-deafening volumes. You sure you've maxed everything? Also, you probably have done this, but have you turned up the volume on the speakers themselves?
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Moved to Computer Chat.
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I would have to agree with marcus, it's not your pc it's your speakers...
if their inbuilt you have a problem, but if they are external buy a new pair
*Meanwhile Below*
I have the opposite problem with my mp3, sometimes the sound is too loud even on volume 1.
But to the actual topic.
If you have the sounds maximized at the control panels and your speakers then the only option is to get bigger speakers. A sound amplifier won't do because your speakers are already on maximum power.
Well, that or reduce the noices in your environment (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, for both your hearing and sanity).
Clan Blood Leader
They're new head phones 2 months old. Everything is turned up and it doesnt get that loud for some games and I'd like to be able to just turn the volume louder so shouldnt there be some kind of program that can do that :/ . Also kind of embarrasing but I realized the volume on the headset was turned really low which fixed the problem at the time but other times when everything is turned up, like in a few games where the volume is just terribly low and it has to be maxed out to play, how would I increase it more? I alredy know to check the settings in the game etc.
well when your playing the games that arnt load enough usually if u got the options or setup menu ingame theres an option to change the sound volume

this would explain why some of your games arnt loud enough
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.