Original Post
a duel mod scammin guy
hello guys i want to report this scam a player named yunggunna asked me if i want to duel him for 20k i said ok but how do i know if u gonna pay he said ill put the duel mod on for 20k and the mod will be judo i said fine and went to the room he told me too i went spec first cause i have bad experince with the new duelin system XD anyways i waent spec and looked at the game rulles wich where those -_- the dmhold is on 1 fracture is on 0 mod is instagibfeet.tbm but with 1k matchframes and 70 turn frames so it will look like judo i said him thet i gonna report and leave the room anyways here is a screeny to prof thet

yunggunna is the guy im talkin about just to clear this out XD

if u cant see the pic here is the link

Last edited by NobleDemon; May 22, 2010 at 04:45 PM.
knew a fag called yungstunna, and i mean 'epicfag'

I type as I speak, with several commas and run on sentences, dont be hatin'.
Next time just send this in a pm to an Smod. (blue name) Don't bother now because one will look at this very soon.

It is much easier that way and does not require a new thread.

Other than that I hope everything turns out okay for you.
he didnt got any tc from me but he tried i just want to stop him b4 he gets any i think he did also ovah9000 i think he is the same guy XD he also has another acc wich he says its hes brother`s