Original Post
Hey guys
Hey. My name, as you probably already know, is mikiryu. My real name is mike. I love to play soccer, hockey, and the occasional match of ping pong. During the summer, you'll mostly see me at the pool, causing havoc. This game appealed to me because I do also enjoy, in real life, doing some parkour and jujitsu. Hopefully I'll be able to become friends with quite a few people, and hopefully you'll see that I honestly am a calm, relaxed person. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Can't wait to own you all in-game! ;)
Welcome! If you ever see me in-game, always join, im real fun to play with and im really good with teaching new members stuff the need to know!, anyways, nice to meet you.
Hi mike!

Welcome to our forums,
You seem to be a very socialized person.

You'll find the forums a great place to make friends.

"Can't wait to own you all in-game! ;)" Thats the spirit! You will be a person the people will cheer for someday .

Head over to the tutorials section, nothing is better than a good dose of tutorials to help you out :]. If you ever encountered a problem just head over to the Support section and you will find some generous players willing to help you out!

Finally, I wish you good luck making new friends :], I wouldn't mind playing with you for 30 minutes, so I will just search for you and click click click.

Thanks for the comments. Unfortunately for me, I can't play toribash for a while because my computer is fried. I'm currently posting on my really old laptop that cannot run toribash. I'll bump this thread when I can play. Once again, thanks for the comments.
Hi there Rob!

Glad you made your way to the forums ;)

Head over to the tutorials section, you'll find many tutorials that could help you get started here. If you ever encounter a problem just head over to the Support section and you will find some generous players willing to help you out!

Oh and, judging your picture, I'm guessing your 18+, that's a requirement to join OLDA, Its an organization.
Why don't you apply their? just post in their "Over 18? Join OLDA!" Thread and they'll accept you ;].
Once your in, go in-game and login with this username: [OLDA]Robcute21 Or OLDA[Clan]Robcute21 if your in a clan.

Good luck with everything :],
Last edited by blackshark; Jun 16, 2010 at 10:17 AM.