Original Post
[VID] Beta: Silent
A little beta. I wanna check if the whole feeling of the video and everything works.
There's still a lot of stuff to fix in there, so don't go into to much detail. I just wanna know if you like it or not (critism is still allowed though :v).

Don't be afraid and click me.

EDIT: Not viewable in Germany due to copyright stuff. Sorry for that.
I really like the text in the beginning and the transitions.
I'm not usually a fan of slow videos but I loved the sync! 8/10
This acc is dead
Thanks a ton guys! Glad you enjoyed it!
I will definately continue the video and fix some things and make it better.
FLXY ! you suck.

No I keed. It was pretty decent. Was abit slow but I think that was what made it so cool. Not another mainstream DnB vid. Finish it !
Originally Posted by ShiftV3 View Post
Not another mainstream DnB vid.

That was my main goal, but I'm really glad you like it.
I'm gonna finish it this week... or at least I hope so.
I cannot rate that vid.
I've fallen asleep during that damn long and most boring intro ever.