Original Post
[TEX] Chrome shark set (2mb preview)
no torso, no shaders preview, 100% not c&p work
idk when ill have a mood to finish or redraw something or fix something else, but here it is, as it is now. Some of the elements turned out more realistic than others. May be will fix it later. 2 many bugs in this set.. i know
Last edited by BenDover; Dec 7, 2010 at 08:27 AM.
Nice use of the head. Could be a little lighter but it works. What do you plan on doing with it?(wink wink). Excellent mapping btw. The hands look the same as the set i bought from you.

hmm raider?
lots upgrades were made, and redrawn from 128. :P on raider it was first concept..

idk what ill do with it when ill finish it cause idk when ill finish it.
Last edited by nblx; Dec 7, 2010 at 03:09 AM.
So it's 512 or 256? Also, i think it looks pretty cool as it is. No real need for a torso. I might buy this one too if you are willing to sell ;)

Absolutely love the top of the head.

Originally Posted by Dexter View Post
So it's 512 or 256? Also, i think it looks pretty cool as it is. No real need for a torso. I might buy this one too if you are willing to sell ;)

Absolutely love the top of the head.

not willing to sell. its 512 of course
is a preview that size REALLY necessary?
taking the image tags out because its ridiculous...
make a new preview..........
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