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asking another person to buy..
lets say, you really want an item. Like i want a Pure item..but i need 9000 more Qi. can i ask a person with 10,000 Qi to buy it for me?(like i give em money to buy it, and they give it to me
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Two problems here:
1. I don't think items that require Qi can be transferred any more.
2. You wouldn't be able to use it anyway.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Restrictions were made to stop noobs from buying the elite items and getting elite items when they don't deserve it.

All u can do is get to 10th Dan before u can buy pure
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Buy Qi or play much more.

Currently, asking a > 10th Dan a pure item will get you a ban, I believe. As you don't have the needed Qi, you should not use it.