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GIMP question(need help)
OK,for an example i am making a human head with 2 eyes.i've done the left eye,now i want to make the right eye,but i want the right eye to be the exact shape as the left eye(i dunno how to copy and paste in gimp),can you tell me how to do that?

And,the second question.the eye i made is not round in shape,it is sharp(like evil people).If i copy and pasted the left eye,how do i rotate it without rotating the picture?

Last question,if i pasted it it will come out a new layer right?Does it effect it if i wanna make the spinning globe,if it does,how do i correct it?

Thats all i wanna ask.
>right click on your picture

>Make a new layer
>Right click on your pic

>Right click again
>Flip horizontally

This should work.
As for the spinning globe, click on the layers toolbox. Right click and select Merge Visible Layers.
Last edited by aslask; Mar 19, 2011 at 08:55 PM.