Original Post
Multiplayer Trouble
For some reason when I go to multiplayer, it always says that I don't have any connection, even when my internet is working fine. I tried shutting my firewall down but that didn't work. Any ideas?
something else could be blocking your accese to the internet through that program. I have no idea what it would be though =/
From a looong time ago:
[21:56]<Blam>ManBreakfast: Frunk wants to know why you banned him from IRC
[21:56]<ManBreakfast>oh, fuck
[21:56]=-=Mode #toribash -b Frunk!*Frankie'sip by ManBreakfast
Might be your firewalls make sure it is allowing you to connect to the servers.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice
*breaks door*
Also do you have an antivirus? :P Firewall hijacking programs like mcafee and norton tend to interfere with games, aswell.
What what? In the butt.
Can you post the contents of the files stderr.txt and autoupdate.log (they are in the Toribash folder)
I don't have any stderr.txt file.

28-02-2008 21:39:36 Initializing ToriUpdate
28-02-2008 21:39:36 Fetching version updates...
28-02-2008 21:39:38 curl error - 7
28-02-2008 21:39:38 Unable to download https://content.toribash.com/cp/ver_updates.php .
28-02-2008 21:39:38 Fetching files updates...
28-02-2008 21:39:38 curl error - 7
28-02-2008 21:39:38 Unable to download http://forum.toribash.com/toribash/allfiles.php .