Original Post
[Solved] My Old acc
This Is me Bazoozo this is my old account i gave this to my friend named androidex now androidex got banned because of bad stuff and now Vyntage
is telling me that androidex has 50k to send to him but when i said give me profe he said that his hardware crashed just earlier and that makes it a lie and i lied about "i banned androidex for you" just to keep him away from me.

Just keep him off my tail please?
Last edited by demolish23; Oct 29, 2011 at 05:27 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[PsY]Forever | I luv my friends :D
No proof equals no case.

..But, account trading is forbidden, so you might get banned anyways. :)
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
-.- so if u ban me i have 2 banned acc huh?waw just trying to get the guy that keeps on trolling on my inbox.
[PsY]Forever | I luv my friends :D
If all you want is for that guy to stop contacting you, the ignore list goes a long way.
PM me if you have any questions.